Greg Roque (2018)

Concept, art direction, design and development of comic and filmmaker Greg Roque’s website. 90s culture, nostalgia, satire, social criticism, show business, and the wild attitude of the early web come together to offer viewers a break from the monotony of today’s templated internet and give insight into Greg’s art.

Live website: gregroque.com

Hear more from Gabe’s archivist talk more about this project
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Gabe Ferreira: Greg Roque — Homepage.Gabe Ferreira: Greg Roque — About page.Gabe Ferreira: Greg Roque — Media page.Gabe Ferreira: Greg Roque — Contact page.

From time to time, the website fictitiously loses connection to its source, presenting the viewer with a dose of nostalgia. The website also exploits iOS and MacOS’s overscroll feature by displaying a message for viewers who cannot contain their curiosity to the browser’s viewport.

Gabe Ferreira: Greg Roque — Static!

A double-sided, letter-sized biography was designed to complement the website and its “Reno, not Vegas” aesthetic. The sheet can be printed directly from gregroque.com and was distributed to several agents and comedy clubs in the Long Beach and LA areas.

Gabe Ferreira: Greg Roque — Flyer, back page.Gabe Ferreira: Greg Roque — Flyer, front page.